Friday, May 16, 2014

The National Flower of Israel

Didn't mean to start a National Flower of....Series. These anemone coronaria are left over from a floral class and it occurred to me to include some photos of the very popular 
anemones following my post of the very unpopular carnations. The flowers also come in bright colors and all have a very haunting dark slate blue center. In the case of this white one (with a little pink dashed about), it's as close to a white and black flower as I can think of. It has contrast, a rather unique feature in flowers.

And what do you know? They are a national flower too. Which means that they have significance enough to be given a designation. In some cases they grown in abundance in a particular local or were cultivated and beloved enough to be adopted. I see the rose has been claimed by many a country while the wild banana orchid has only been claimed by the Cayman Islands. 

As I'm always intrigued about the flower/human relationship this is an interesting little road to explore.

My apologies to the Celebration of Spring Class. I'll upload the photos as soon as I can figure out how to.

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