Friday, November 28, 2014

The year of the Peacock

We've spent many, many years celebrating Thanksgiving with friends who are extended family. This year our hostess asked (you heard correctly) to make the entire meal herself, an exception to the tradition of co-ordinated potlucks.

They also provided later entertainment; a Peacock puzzle. Simply a frontal photo of a bird, with all those feathers. It was the damnedest puzzle; all patterns and colors. And  the pieces had a maddening tendency to appear to go together but in fact be a wrong fit. Which only made it more entertaining because it's fun to curse a puzzle, tear one's hair out, and make all kinds of strange and fearful sound effects while all ten of us moved in and out of the prime spot, that is, looking at the bird right side up, instead of upside down.

It was a little respite from daily life which finds me quite often holding my breath; the latest political manuvering, fracking, someone else has cancer, another friend lost, something. 

Thank you friends, thank you turkey for feeding us and thanks 2-D peacock for the laughs.

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